Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cool cubes!

We made a movie to show our new learning about cubes and shapes made out of cubes. We had to persevere a lot to draw the 3d cubes on the powerpoint.
We enjoyed the amount of s-t-r-e-t-c-h we experienced.

Jasmine and Mackenzie

Amazing 3-d shapes

Today we've learning to draw 3-d shapes from lots of different angles.

we used blocks to make shapes and then drew them the front, back , left and right sides, as well as a bird's-eye view.

We then challenged each other to make our shape using the pictures. Some of them were really hard!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The wind bag

Wind bags are long blue bags, that we used to experiment with. We blew into it with five big breaths trying to fill it up. We used two techniques to blow the wind bag up. The first is blowing into it from close up inside the wind bag and the second one was blowing into it from a distance ( 30 cm etc). We experienced that when we blow up the wind bag closer up doesn’t get as much air than you would 30 cm back, because when you are about 30 cm back 10 x of the of air is coming in than your one breath. That is because when you blow air in that air is under pressure. Then other air comes from behind and also goes into the bag.

By Callum and Becky.

The hot air balloon

The hot air balloon was made out of a big plastic bag ,tape, wire and a tin. It works by cotton wool, metholated spirits and matches. The first time we flew it, it went really high and then the same day but the second time it didn’t work because there was a big hole in the bag. After we flew it once the can turned purple. A few days later we repaired the balloon with tape and we put the can down further because we thought that it would produce more air to go in the
balloon. That did not happen because the time that we went out it was to windy that the hot air was not all going in the balloon.
Luke and Callum

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Solar Bag experiment

We went down to the field with a solar bag. We ran around with it and filled the bag with air. When the sun heated it up it rose up into the air.
This happened because when the sun heats up the air it gets less dense. This means it's lighter and so it floats on the colder air.
We saw that when the sun went in, the bag came back down to earth. This is because the air cooled and became less dense.
Next time we'll try an air balloon and see what happens.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflecting on our learning outside the classroom

Cade has being practising new moves on his skateboard. We asked him to reflect on what he'd learnt and then makes some connections to how he learns in class.
This is what he said:

"The new move I'm trying to learn is called a pop-shoveit. I learnt to put my foot higher up the board because if I put it too low I won't have so much control. I had to practice and be patient until I had it. When you're learning a new move you need to stay on it until you've learnt it. Don't go onto another trick. I've just learnt how to do a front side pop-shoveit and it took me two or three weeks to learn it. I had to practise a lot.

In class I'm trying to learn more about Da Vinci's measurements, like our shoulders are three heads wide. I've had trouble using the Get it, Sort it, Use it model. I need to start at the beginning of the process. It's a bit like skateboarding, you need to learn the basics first."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is reflection?

We have started off by thinking about what reflection actually is. We've used Voicethread to record our ideas.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome to The Reflective Classroom

This year Room 11 are having a real focus on reflecting on our learning in the classroom. We have set ourselves a goal to be using refection as a regular part of our day. We may be reflecting when we've finished some learning or reflecting whist we go along.

We are working with a team of classrooms this year in a community called Da Vinci (we're all named after famous scientists) and we are trying to find out "Does the use of an online reflection log enhance student's ability to reflect?"

We are looking forward to recording some of our amazing reflections here.