Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflecting on our learning outside the classroom

Cade has being practising new moves on his skateboard. We asked him to reflect on what he'd learnt and then makes some connections to how he learns in class.
This is what he said:

"The new move I'm trying to learn is called a pop-shoveit. I learnt to put my foot higher up the board because if I put it too low I won't have so much control. I had to practice and be patient until I had it. When you're learning a new move you need to stay on it until you've learnt it. Don't go onto another trick. I've just learnt how to do a front side pop-shoveit and it took me two or three weeks to learn it. I had to practise a lot.

In class I'm trying to learn more about Da Vinci's measurements, like our shoulders are three heads wide. I've had trouble using the Get it, Sort it, Use it model. I need to start at the beginning of the process. It's a bit like skateboarding, you need to learn the basics first."